Friday the 13th is in popular belief a day on which particularly many misfortunes can happen. However, our gorgeous bride and groom Cornelia and Emrah do not believe in this in any way. On the contrary, this day has a great meaning for them – and since this year even more. They have decided to get married on Friday, August 13, 2021. But which is the right wedding day for you? Is it January 22, 2022, or would you prefer your engagement day?

A certain flexibility in the selection of the wedding day helps in finding the right venue. Also, the service providers are already very well booked on the particularly popular days. So it is worth to start planning early, if you prefer a very specific day for the wedding. Especially next year, there will be a big bottleneck in venues and service providers. In addition, weddings during the week, in winter or off-season are often still a little cheaper than in the high season on a Friday or Saturday. So which is the right wedding day for you?

Of course, the desired venue must be available on your big day, the selected service providers must have time and the weather must play along. All this was perfect for Cornelia and Emrah. A dream view, warm summer weather, good-humored guests, a very talented young singer, a stylish decoration and a delicious meal made the day perfect.
For the couple, it was also fortunate that family and friends from abroad were also able to attend and enter during this difficult time. So nothing stood in the way of the multicultural wedding in the most beautiful summer weather.