Do you already have someone to take care of everything in the background on your wedding day? Somebody who make sure that everything runs perfectly, and you can enjoy your big day with your families, guests and best man? If not, our Wedding Day Management service would certainly be interesting for you.
Marisa and Patrick took advantage of exactly this offer last late summer when they said yes to each other. The bridal couple organized and planned more or less everything themselves in advance. When it came to planning of the last details and the daily schedule in detail, they got support from us.

Especially in the last part of the wedding planning many couples realize how much detail work is involved in the final preparation and are happy to be able to pass this on to a professional wedding planner. In addition, our bridal couples also appreciate the opportunity to discuss the daily schedule and setup in detail with a professional wedding planner on site. Our Wedding Day Management service also includes the writing of a detailed day schedule, which defines all the important details and acts as a comprehensive document for professional service on the wedding day.

On the day itself, we also took over the responsibility of ensuring that everything ran smoothly, was decorated according to the bridal couple’s wishes and that the bridal couple could relax completely. In this case the change of venue from the civil wedding to the evening venue and the following aperitif by boat as well as the realization at the evening venue was especially central.
Wedding Day Management by a professional Wedding Planner is a big advantage for the guests, but especially also for the service providers as everybody knows at any time who is the contact person for possible questions and that this contact person is also available at any time.
Have you already planned your wedding for the most part and would you be happy to receive support on your wedding day? Someone to challenge every step you have planned and to point out possible error sources? Someone who is the contact person for all service providers on the day itself, so that you are not distracted by unnecessary questions? Then the engagement of a professional wedding planner would be just right for you.
As Wedding Day Manager, we relieve the burden on the best man and the bridesmaids and give the party the necessary quiet in the background. Dear Marisa and Patrick, thank you again for your trust that we could accompany your big day and let you enjoy it to the fullest.
If you are also looking for support in the run-up to and for the wedding day, you are welcome to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you!