Mountain wedding – What you need to consider when planning

Are you planning a wedding in the mountains but are not sure whether everything can be realized as desired? A mountain wedding definitely has a few challenges that need to be taken into consideration so that you can get married in a relaxed atmosphere and as you imagined. In this blog, we would like to show you what you need to think about in any case and where there may still be challenges.

Uncertain weather

In Switzerland, the weather is always relatively unstable. But we have already experienced at some wonderful mountain weddings that it can be even more dramatic in the mountains. Even if everything seems calm in the morning and you think it will stay that way all day, the weather can change very quickly. It’s definitely worth paying attention to the locals here. They know the weather very well and are often the best judges of whether you can risk the fair weather program or not. One thing you definitely don’t want to experience in the mountains is a thunderstorm. The danger is very high and should definitely not be underestimated.

Our tips:

  • Listen to the locals
  • If in doubt, decide against the good weather option
  • Take the weather and the dangers in the mountains seriously

Lack of bad weather options

When dreaming of a mountain wedding, our bridal couples often imagine holding the ceremony all alone at a beautiful mountain lake and then reaching the evening venue after a short walk. However, because of the uncertainty of the weather mentioned above, you definitely need a plan B for bad weather. Setting up a tent somewhere in the countryside to create a bad weather alternative is rarely realistic due to the logistics and costs involved. A wedding planner can help you to clarify the options, find the venues and, of course, provide on-site support for spontaneous set-up and conversion.

Our tips:

  • Always keep a bad weather option open
  • If necessary, inform the guests about the change of schedule at short notice
  • Find a venue that would also be available very spontaneously
  • Plan for the set-up and conversion of the wedding ceremony to be carried out on site by professionals

The challenge of transportation

The beautiful places in the mountains are usually not accessible by car. You take a cable car or gondola up into the mountains and then usually walk a short distance to the venue. Of course, it is important to keep in mind that the guests have to be transported. They should be free from dizziness and of course have no problem with the altitude (meters above sea level). Furthermore, the guests would probably also have to be able to walk well or any restrictions would have to be clarified well in advance. On the other hand, there are also challenges with the logistics for the suitcases and for any material of the guests as well as decoration material for the wedding. Think carefully about how the stylist, the musicians with their instruments, the wedding designer with the flowers and decoration materials, the cake or the wedding organizer with the microphone etc. will travel to your venue. A professional wedding planner can help you to coordinate the logistics, make clarifications in advance and support the individual partners on site.

Our tips:

  • Inform the guests what to expect in terms of transportation and give advice on walking routes and footwear
  • Hire professionals to help with transportation
  • Clarify in advance how materials can be delivered and how they need to be packed

Permissions are important

We often receive requests for a wonderful wedding in the mountains, preferably where the beautiful photos you see on Instagram are taken. One example of this is Lake Oeschinen in Kandersteg. For many of these very popular venues, you need a permit to get married or even just take photos there. In some cases, it is even completely forbidden, as mass tourism endangers the preservation of our wonderful mountain world. It is therefore important to know what can be done where and to obtain the necessary permits. No one wants to be disturbed or interrupted during the wedding ceremony or have the ceremony canceled and have to pay a high fine.

Our tips:

  • Make sure you clarify whether wedding ceremonies or weddings can be held at your desired venue
  • Choose venues that are easily accessible and not overcrowded with tourists
  • Respect nature and the fact that there are regulations that must be adhered to
  • Work with a professional so that you can celebrate your wedding here with a clear conscience and safety

As you can see from these pictures, getting married in the mountains is simply a dream, but it should be well planned and thought through. The venues must be chosen well and the guests must be properly informed. For a mountain wedding, it is definitely worth consulting a professional wedding planner, as they have experience in the mountains and can choose the right venues and, above all, overcome some of the logistical challenges.

Are you planning a mountain wedding and would like some professional advice? You are welcome to contact us for a free initial consultation:


Successful wedding planning coaching

More and more bridal couples want to organize their wedding themselves and take the planning tasks into their own hands. But what do they do if they are unsure about important details or need support with on-site coordination?

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