The Corona crisis hit us all hard and restricted us in our normal daily live. But how has the wedding industry changed as a result of Corona? We are all trying to deal with these restrictions as best we can and make the best of the situation. Many industries have had to make some changes or take different paths in their business as a result of the pandemic. A big issue here is also the wedding industry.
The wedding industry has faced huge challenges and strong changes since the outbreak of the pandemic. Social developments have shaped the wedding industry during this time more than ever before. Today, brides and grooms are thinking much more carefully about who should be at the wedding and how it can be tailored to the individual needs of the bride and groom. A few tips in this regard you can also find on our previous blog post.
The trend towards more sustainability in weddings has also been reinforced by the current situation. The past year has given bridal couples and service providers to understand how individualism and short-termism will probably continue to shape planning in the future. But how has the wedding industry changed as a result of Corona?

In the past, the big day was often associated with very high expectations and a lot of perfectionism. Stress and uncertainties characterized the planning in many cases. The deceleration of the pandemic has shown that many bridal couples are returning to the values that were originally important – relaxed get-togethers and celebrating together. The fact that this relaxed enjoyment in an informal atmosphere also needs to be planned and structured is often forgotten. It is even more important, especially for these celebrations, that everything is organized in advance and that responsibility can be handed over to professionals, so that you can enjoy the big day to the fullest with your loved ones.
Individualization and micro weddings as a trend
Government-imposed restrictions have opened the doors to small weddings, so-called “MicroWeddings” or “Elopement Weddings.” Since the outbreak of the pandemic, the often very long guest lists have been cut several times – many bridal couples have focused only on the very narrowest circle of guests. What meant a severe restriction for some wedding couples was a relief for others. The trend towards smaller weddings and celebrating the wedding with only the closest and dearest friends and family members, thus making the wedding very individual, is likely to continue.

Focus on sustainability
To anticipate: As there is no perfect wedding, no wedding is likely to deliver a sustainably positive eco-balance. Nevertheless, the trend towards more sustainable weddings continues, and their feasibility is getting easier and better all the time. Many restaurants and catering companies are increasingly focusing on regional and seasonal food, which already makes a big contribution to sustainability. But not only that, also in the area of wedding dresses has changed a lot. Here it is worth looking closely at the production details and methods and also considering clothing labels from Switzerland. Also, when it comes to decorations and flowers, more attention is being paid to seasonality and shorter transport routes. And what decorations can be used or rented several times, of course, definitely helps the eco-balance as well. Last but not least, there are more and more bridal couples who also spend their honeymoon in Switzerland or neighboring countries and do not take on the very long journeys. With the seemingly endless list of risky countries and nerve-wracking honeymoon planning options, Switzerland is blossoming as an attractive option.

Spontaneity with uncomplicated localities
What the service providers in particular also had to learn last year is to be spontaneous. What led to much more effort in many cases last year could not be charged to the bridal couples. However, it is to be expected that the service providers will probably still have to adjust to more short-term planning. The already strongly booked out locations lead to more creativity with the bridal couple. Thus many bridal couples consider since the pandemic also the own garden, the wood barn of the friend or a completely uncomplicated forest hut as options for their wedding celebration. What at first glance seems somewhat unromantic and not befitting the status quo, turns out to be a real option with the right support and the right service providers. The recent past has shown that with these options they are much freer than implementation in a restaurant or banquet room. What is clear in any case, weddings will boom again after the crisis and the population will be eager to enjoy beautiful and individual wedding celebrations again.
Are you planning your wedding and are still looking for support? Then contact us now for a free and non-binding initial consultation.